The Short Stay Program “Sustainable Resource Development 2024”has been completed.
Introduction to Japanese Culture
Lecture (Mining VR experience)
Oga Field Tour
Final Presentation
Group photo of Short Stay Program graduates and faculty
The Short Stay Program “Sustainable Resource Development 2024”, which is a short-term training program for fostering young researchers that started on June 19, was successfully completed on July 25, including the advanced course.
This program provides 4-6 weeks of short-term training in Akita for students from international exchange partner universities, with the aim of developing human resources who will contribute to the sustainable development and use of natural resources.
During the period, 20 trainees from 12 universities in 10 countries participated in intensive lectures covering a wide range of natural resource science, as well as field trips to resource recycling facilities and geothermal power plants in Akita Prefecture. In addition, they also had laboratory exercises to develop the ability to plan and practice individual research based on the knowledge gained through these activities.
At the closing ceremony of the last week of the program, Prof. Adachi (Director of RIGRe) presented each trainee with a certificate of completion and congratulated them. A commemorative photo was then taken with the faculty and staff.
All trainees successfully completed the program and returned to their respective countries with new knowledge, experience and friends, and we hope that they will continue to maintain their ties with Akita and return to Akita in the future.