Students from the IIT

Discussion with Akita University students
From June 3rd (Mon) to June 28th (Fri), three students from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) visited Akita.
This visit was part of an internship program implemented by IHI Corporation.
The students were given the task of "Understanding and formulating the current state of IT strategies in the R&D of electric hybrid systems for passenger aircraft," and worked to solve the problem through face-to-face interviews and discussions with researchers involved in electrification system research at the Center.
They also interacted with undergraduate and graduate students from Akita University, as well as high school students in Akita City, providing great inspiration to the young people of Akita.
(Students who visited)
Dhyan Naik, 3rd year undergraduate student, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Lavanya Ingle, 3rd year undergraduate student, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Aditya Bharade, 3rd year undergraduate student, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur