This department consists of the science and technology field and the Social Science and Humanities field for solving problems with metal/non-metal resources, petroleum, natural gas, etc. that not only Japan but also the whole world faces. The science and technology field covers explication of the resource generation mechanism by deciphering the history of the earth, investigations, development and recycling of resources, and also environmental maintenance. The Social Science and Humanities field covers various problems with resource policies such as economic and the international situations surrounding resources. This department cultivates specialists of resources who can flourish globally through the world's cutting-edge education and studies.
Without mentioning examination of technological problems, broad-ranging strategies from the view point that cover the Social Science and Humanities field such as economics and policies surrounding the said problems are required for solving problems with investigations and development of resources in the world. This department is featured with education that integrates Social Science and Humanities and sciences. Namely, the resource policy field is added to the world's top level fields of resource earth sciences and resource development engineering, and the cutting-edge education and studies of resources are provided with students from not only Japan but also other countries.
Therefore, the following points are emphasized in education and studies at this department.
It is a pressing need to educate and cultivate highly-skilled resource engineers in order to solve international or global problems surrounding energy resources such as rare metals, petroleum, and natural gas. This department provides a science and technological course including the "Resource Earth Sciences course" and "Earth Resource Engineering and Environmental Science course." In this course, we cooperate with resource fields and related companies and research institutes both in Japan and other countries, identify the state-of-the-art scientific and technological research tasks existing in the resource investigation and development field, and reflect them in the education curriculums. In addition, we also provide a "Resource Policy and Management course" that covers the Social Science and Humanities field such as economics and international situation surrounding resources in order to establish education that integrates science, technologies, and Social Science and Humanities.
We provide leading-edge education, cooperating with research institutes and resource companies in Japan and other countries, in order to cultivate resource specialists capable of flourishing in global investigations and development of metal and energy resources.
In this department, students take the special English program during the first year and the first half of the second year to learn fundamental English skills required working globally on resource-related business and being ready for specialized subjects taught in English from the second year. Specialized subjects are to learn the leading-edge education and studies related to resources through various examples of resource science researches and/or the forefront resource science studies in Japan and other countries. In the second half of the third year, all students visit overseas resource fields to practically experience the forefront of the research sciences and directly learn various phenomena or problems, and find a task for graduation work in the forth year. Making use of such special knowledge, resource specialists who will flourish globally are cultivated.
While nationalism over resources is getting to be a problem, we send resource specialists capable of globally flourishing by accomplishing education and studies of resource sciences for students from Japan and other countries. In addition, we function as the national center of resource sciences by building the network through cooperation in and outside Japan and by widely releasing the latest research results of resource sciences.