Akita University introduces students to suitable part-time work. The university selects and displays advertisements for socially meaningful part-time jobs that do not interfere with students’ studies or extracurricular activities. Job advertisements are displayed on Tegata Campus at the 1st floor Career Station in the University Hall, and on the 1st floor of Hondo Hall on Hondo Campus.
If you are interested in a particular part-time job, please call the number provided in the contact details for more information and to apply. A representative from the university meets directly with employers to confirm the working conditions, such as job content, working hours and wages.
Light labor | Part-time jobs connected with events and functions |
Cram school teacher |
Includes a diverse range of work performed on an ongoing basis over a fixed period time, such as a store clerk in a convenience store, supermarket or department store, a kitchen assistant or waiter in a restaurant, work related to hotel banquets, cleaning work, work at a gasoline station, assistance in security work, and assistance in home removal work. |
Includes a diverse range of work that can be performed within a short space of time, such as assistance in introducing and promoting new products in stores, helping out at stalls at festivals, road traffic volume surveys, public opinion surveys for media organizations, help with bringing in and removing exhibits, reception work at exhibitions, concerts etc., and directing traffic at events and at parking lots. |
Includes such roles as teaching, marking tests and giving learning guidance at cram schools, computer schools etc. |
* In the event that the tuition fee is revised at the time of enrolment or at any stage while enrolled at this university, the new tuition fee will apply from the time of revision.
We get many requests from guardians every year for students from Akita University to serve as home tutors for their children. Whenever we get a request from someone searching for a home tutor, we display it in the Part-time Work Corner. Students can also obtain information on other part-time jobs through job magazines, on noticeboards at part-time work centers and through word of mouth from friends.